maanantai 2. syyskuuta 2019

Laanila Activists in Green Flag, UNESCO and Erasmus+ Joined Their Forces

Sustainable development and climate actions are important themes in Laanila. Both the old and the new opinion leaders got to know each other at the bowling alley at beginning of the school year. In addition, the group brainstormed on good deeds and their communication procedures to the entire school community.

The preliminary activity program includes the following:
- presentation of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Agenda 2030
- challenging the school community in everyday sustainability actions
- encouraging the students to take part in the sustainability logo competition
- increasing recycling receivers in the school building
- arranging Christmas charity collections
- taking part in Amnesty Letter Marathon for alarming crimes against humanity
being inspired by TV's Gutsy Go youth peace troops                                                                          - doing good and courageous deeds to make a positive impact and help change the world
Finland can be the first country in the world that educates its youth to become peace makers.                   - This is what we believe in at Laanila!
Iisa Kivioja 16A Saku Koutaniemi 17C Alisa Kaisti 18C Juuso Koivuranta 18C Verna Rytkönen 18A
Olivia Soukka 18B Alma Suutari 18A Aukusti Hackzell 19C Oskari Koivumäki 19B Jussi Moilanen19B
Ilona Mwai 19C Ella Nätti 19C
Tiina Fredriksson, Heikki Pöykkö and Janna Väänänen

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